I have been kieeping up this blog almost(?) daily for the past two months and intermitently for the three months before that and, as far as I can figure, I am getting only about 3 or 4 readers a day (the same ones I am guessing). The idea of the blog was to help people find my books and to generate interest in them. But, I have never heard from anyone, so, unless I start receiving postings telling me I am doing the right thing and that people are interested and, I start getting an increased readership (your friends, colleagues, whoever), I am not going to keep writing the Blog. I can, instead, use the time to write on my books.
Which, BTW is not yet finished because I was sick last Friday and now have a swollen ankle (from blood problems) and can't see sitting in front of the compter in my off hours (I am a programmer all day - and the wife is pressuring me not to do it). I am trying to work out some kind of method of writing in a livingroom chair, but I'm still working on that. I have tonight and tomorrow night to finish and still make it within the month. I only have 1/2 chapter left and am over the 75,000 word self-imposed minimum.
I will post again when I am finished, but that will be my last daily-type post unless something changes (outlined above). I will probably still post every couple of weeks to let anyone interested know my progress on the new books (I am not stopping writing books, no matter what).
This blog is basically a diary of the writing of a new book series (starting with the first book) written by Edward J. Coburn. It is about a guy who has a pseudonym of Robert Adam Madigan because he is hiding from his real identity. He will (in the book) write a blog called Ram's Ramblings and the Ramblings can be found on the Ram's Rambling tab.
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