It's been about a month so I thought I'd give the couple of you that are following this blog an update on my writing.
I have edited the first five chapter of the first book about 6 time and it is now in the hands of someone else for their edits.
I am now in the midst of book 3. I finished chapter 18 yesterday. Thus far, I have 46,570 words or about 62% of what I need for the book, again, assuming 75,000 words as a completed book.
That's all for now. I will update you again when the third book is finished or when I have sent the first five chapters of the first book to the agents to try for publication. I will give the agent only 2 months to respond before I release the new books on amazon one at a time, about a month apart. The first one I will price at the minimum and will give it away free on then I will do the second at 1.99 and the third at 2.99 and maybe the fourth and subsequent books at 3.99. This is to be at least a 26 book series (alphabetical - the first book is A, the second B, and so on). I will write more if I'm doing okay with the original series though I do have the other two books to write a sequal for so I may do them at some point.
This blog is basically a diary of the writing of a new book series (starting with the first book) written by Edward J. Coburn. It is about a guy who has a pseudonym of Robert Adam Madigan because he is hiding from his real identity. He will (in the book) write a blog called Ram's Ramblings and the Ramblings can be found on the Ram's Rambling tab.
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